The solution to myopia management

Lenstar 900 + EyeSuite Myopia = powerful myopia management

Myopia management from leading experts

Developed in close collaboration with myopia specialists

Lenstar Myopia was developed in close collaboration between Haag-Streit and recognized experts and scientists from the field. The most recent collaboration was with Prof. Dr. Hakan Kaymak. Using his AMMC® framework, Lenstar Myopia takes a big step forward and allows the eye care professional to visualize progression and make more accurate predictions. Other leading myopia experts include Dr. Thomas Aller and Pascal Blaser of "myopia.careTM" who have contributed to the continuous improvement and further development of the Lenstar Myopia since its launch in 2020.

Lenstar 900’s established technology

Adopts proven Automated Positioning System (APS)

Lenstar Myopia adopts the Lenstar 900’s proven Automated Positioning System (APS) technology. Simple and fast measurements are available at the single click of the joystick, saving time and increasing comfort levels for both patient and user. This is particularly beneficial when measuring children’s eyes. This feature is combined with the Lenstar 900's superior measurement technology, which provides a wealth of data to enable accurate predictions about the onset and progression of myopia. This includes precise axial length measurement, pupillometry, vitreous chamber depth, central corneal thickness, and keratometry .