Imaging Module 910 3D

The IM 910 now has a dynamic 3D live-stream

With the addition of the IM 910 3D, we elevate the capabilities of the IM 910 by offering a dynamic 3D live-stream of impressive quality.

Imaging Module 910 3D

Innovating the field of slit lamp imaging

Clinicians have become accustomed to recording slit lamp images in 2D. However, “flat” images lack the capability to convey depth information, limiting the comprehensive visualization of the subject matter. Now with 3D-ready functionality, the IM 910 is not just a slit lamp camera – it’s a platform on which we continue to innovate within the field of slit lamp imaging.

Ultra high-definition

A more authentic representation of the slit lamp examination

The IM 910 3D enables the recording of 3D content, including both images and videos, which render a more authentic representation of the slit lamp examination. Two 4K cameras capture two images simultaneously: one per eye in ultra-high-definition – the result: an immersive depth impression, unveiling more detail, and a richer viewing experience.

Superior documentation

Document your findings in 3D

The inclusion of depth information in the visual representation makes the perception of anatomical relationships easier to identify, thereby enhancing the overall clarity and interpretability of the observed content. The comprehensive capture capabilities of the slit lamp place a wealth of material at the clinicians’ fingertips, supporting them with more efficient case reviews, quicker follow-ups, and the ability to form competent expert opinions.

Optimizing teaching time

A more collaborative & efficient learning experience

By providing a digital 3D visualization of the slit lamp exam, co-observers no longer need to adopt an uncomfortable posture such as hunching into the tube to closely track slit lamp movements, enhancing the overall experience. 

Moreover, in many instances, 2D solutions sometimes fail to accurately convey the visual information intended for the co-observer. This creates a challenge for the examiner in ensuring that the resident accurately observes the relevant details when operating the slit lamp. With the IM 910 3D, the co-observer has the same view on the monitor that the examiner does through the oculars. This gives the examiner confidence that the resident has observed the relevant details, without having to observe the patient twice.  As a fully digital solution, the ability to convey what is happening in the oculars on a digital 3D screen allows multiple residents to participate in the exam, optimizing teaching time. 

Supporting teleconsultations in eye health care

Facilitating the virtual consultation between patient & health care provider

Remote clinical services, or teleconsultation, whether performed synchronously or asynchronously, has emerged as a significant component of eye health service delivery, especially in the wake of the recent coronavirus healthcare crisis.  

The IM 910 3D fully supports remote clinical services*, facilitating the virtual consultation between patient and health care provider. This can be performed as a screening tool for new patients prior to an in-person visit, or for a pre-op visit prior to a scheduled surgery, or simply provides extra convenience and comfort for those who are physically unable to attend the eye clinic. The transmission of the immersive 3D perception of the slit lamp examination provides the teleconsultant with the same impression as the examining clinician.  

*Available in the USA only, not available in the EU