Change in leadership at Spectros AG
After 29 years of dedicated service at Spectros AG, Edgar Sporer has stepped down from his role as CEO at the end of November 2024. Throughout his tenure, Edgar Sporer has played an instrumental role in leading Spectros AG successfully and shaping its path forward. Since joining in 1995, his visionary leadership transformed the company from a traditional optical workshop into a modern manufacturing facility producing advanced technologies for medical devices, the laser industry, and smartphone testing.
However, Haag-Streit is pleased to announce that Simon Krause has been appointed as the new CEO of Spectros AG. Simon Krause has been with Spectros AG since 2020, serving in various roles and demonstrating his commitment to our company's success. With extensive experience in the photonics industry, Simon Krause brings valuable insights and expertise to this position. For example, he led the development of microscopy projects such as the Hi-R NEO 900 and the METIS in Aesch, Basel.
Simon Krause’s appointment as CEO ensures seamless continuity for the company. Over the years, he and Edgar Sporer have worked closely together to establish a strong foundation for this leadership transition. Edgar Sporer leaves behind an innovative organization and a motivated team, well-prepared to build on his legacy. Under Simon’s leadership, Spectro’s AG remains committed to maintaining its high standards of quality and innovation.