Jury Q&A: expert opinion from this year’s ‘Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2023’
The Haag-Streit ‘Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2023’, now in its fifth year, gives eye care professionals the opportunity to showcase their images with the rest of the world.
Now that the results are out, we took the opportunity to talk with the jury and to gather their feedback on the winning entries.
The jury: ‘Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2023’
Meet the people responsible for judging the competition and learn a little about them.
Marc Curchod
A professional photographer by training, Marc got into photography by chance. His training took place alongside colleagues, as well as through contacts with medical doctors. Marc worked for 31 years at the Jules Gonin Ophthalmic Hospital, Lausanne. Now retired, he continues to practice this profession several hours a week at Swiss Visio in Lausanne.
Jesús Conejero
Jesús is currently an ophthalmologist at the ‘Hospital de Mérida’, Mérida, Spain, as Ocular Surface and Cornea specialist and resident tutor. He qualified as a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Medicine, in 1993. He became a specialist in Ophthalmology in 2000, having completed the Residency period in the Ophthalmology Department of the "Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón" in Madrid, from 1996 to 2000.
Frank Wenger
Frank has over 15 years’ experience in the ophthalmology industry. Today, he heads up Product Management for Haag-Streit’s General Diagnostics division, a role that is the result of over a decade spent with the company. He is responsible for marketing and product development covering the complete life cycle, from product concept to market introduction.
Jacqui Kenyon
Jacqui completed a BA in Photography in 2000, leading to her to pursue a career in medical photography. During her training, she discovered a keen interest in ophthalmology and pursued this specialty. She has worked in both ophthalmology and bio pharmaceuticals for over a decade before joining Haag-Streit UK in 2012 as a Product manager. In this role, she was responsible for a range of products including OCT, ultrasound, fundus photography, laser and simulation. In 2022, she moved across the Atlantic, for her new role as Product and Market Manager, for Reliance and Haag Streit Diagnostics (USA).
Jury Q&A
What did you like about the first-placed image?
Simplicity and execution sum up the winning image, which shows a dislocated intraocular lens, taken by Pia Emilia Lohri, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland.
“While not the most difficult image to capture, the execution is simply perfect.” Frank Wenger.
“This image transcends beyond the purely ophthalmological. The quality of its illumination and definition achieves an outstanding aesthetic and artistic result.” Jesús Conejero
“This image appears almost too simple, but it demonstrates mastery of the back illumination technique with a correctly sized slit, placed in the right place. There is virtually no reflection, and the image is well centered. In addition, the clean lines of the IOL provide a quality artistic effect.”
Marc Curchod.
What did you like about the second-place image?
Yang Zhang, Beijing Tongren Hospital, China, showed the exudative membrane connecting the anterior capsule to the cornea.
“The author shows us a point of view that is uncommon in our usual clinical practice. This situation, together with the perfect framing of the final image, causes our gaze to be caught by the main motif of the image again and again.” Jesús Conejero.
“This is a picture that is technically difficult to capture. The photographer did an amazing job.” Frank Wenger
A challenging image to capture, that impresses you the longer you look at it.” Jacqui Kenyon
“Our second-placed winner demonstrates mastery of the slit, as our eye is immediately drawn to the vitreous flange. The reflections are minimal and not noticeable.” Marc Curchod
What feedback do you have for our third-placed winner?
Katie Lachut-Yevich, VCU Health System, USA captured a dramatic shot of a Morgagnian cataract.
“The correct execution and illumination of this case achieves, in addition to the intended clinical information, an almost ethereal artistic result, which makes our gaze navigate relaxed within the white sea present in this Morgagnian cataract.” Jesús Conejero
“Our third-place image has good lighting. Indeed, it is difficult to provide regular light on the total white cataract. The framing is perfect, and the only reflection is very discreet.” Marc Curchod
“The artistic factor is, quite simply, amazing.” Frank Wenger
A perfectly executed image. Simplicity is everything.” Jacqui Kenyon
And that’s a wrap! Thank you once again for our distinguished jurors for their time and effort.
Think you have what it takes to enter?
Then make sure to keep an eye on the Haag-Streit socials for details of next year’s Slit Lamp Imaging competition, as entries will reopen in spring 2024.
Download all the stunning images
And why not download the complete Wallpaper Collection of all this year’s competition winners? These high-resolution images are free to use, and the perfect way to enhance your clinic or device.