Haag-Streit enjoys a successful ESCRS 2023
The Haag-Streit team is back from the ESCRS, where we spent a packed five days in Vienna demonstrating our portfolio of devices and solutions to engaged delegates from around the world.
Thank you to everyone who visited us on booth B409! If you were unable to make the event, here’s a quick recap along with further information to catch up on what you missed…
OSTC—pushing the boundaries of simulation with a menu of educational experiences
The Ophthalmic Skills Training Center took pride of place at this year’s ESCRS, pulling huge crowds for the full five days. The Haag-Streit booth hosted a genuine educational lab setup, enabling delegates to try their hand at one (or all three) educational experiences:
· Cataract assessment and surgery experience: holistic and surgical training to demonstrate how virtual reality can teach proper pre-op grading of cataract.
· Anterior Vitrectomy Experience: enabling advanced surgical training for high-risk surgical events such as PCR with prolapsed vitreous using a phaco platform and BIONIKO eye.
· Phaco Chop Deconstructed Experience: combining wet lab and the Eyesi surgical simulator to help train residents in more advanced cataract surgery techniques such as stop & chop and horizonal chop.
We’re eternally grateful to distinguished ophthalmologist, cataract surgeon, and cataract surgery mentor, Dr. Ivo Ferreira, who mentored students through simulation and wet lab experiences for the duration of the congress.
Eyesi Indirect ROP—increasing skills handling & decision making in challenging environments
Demand for demonstrations was high, with hundreds of delegates excited to gain a unique “sneak preview” of this cutting-edge simulator. Currently under development for release in January 2024, the Eyesi Indirect ROP allows residents to hone their retinal examination skills in a risk-free yet lifelike environment prior to carrying out retinal examinations on premature babies.
Eyestar 900—versatile diagnostics tools for both cataract & refractive surgery
As well as walking through the Eyestar 900’s swept-source OCT technology, and established Cataract Suite, product managers impressed delegates with key enhancements designed to complete the Anterior Chamber Suite feature set:
· New Corneal Ectasia Display: the display features OCT-based topography for excellent elevation information of the cornea front and back surface, as well as pachymetry maps and profiles, Belin ABCD grading, and many complementary parameters to support corneal specialists in identifying even the slightest signs of ectatic changes, and the first signs of Keratoconus during the diagnostic process.
· Enhanced progression view: enables the user to create a fully-customizable progression display of any measurement and analysis parameter available.
In addition, we were on-hand to showcase the enhanced imaging tool kit for the Anterior Chamber Suite. As well as enabling the user to create B-Scans at any location in the 18mm diameter scan volume, any time after the data acquisition, it now also features distance, angle, and area measurement tools, for more versatility. The new refraction-corrected radial scans and measurement tool kit now not only allow visualization of anatomic structures but also quantification of their size.
Real-life use cases in Saturday’s Satellite Symposium, ‘Eyestar 900 pearls of cataract & refractive surgery’ with swept-source OCT
To gain a rich understanding of real-life use cases of the Eyestar 900, delegates merely had to make their way to the complementary Satellite Symposium, ‘Eyestar 900 pearls of cataract & refractive surgery with swept-source OCT,’ which took place on Saturday 9. Thank you once again to our wonderful speakers: Warren Hill, MD, East Valley Ophthalmology (USA), David Goldblum, MD, PhD, Pallas Kliniken AG (Switzerland), Nir Sorkin, MD, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University (Israel) and Olivier Le Quoy, MD, Group Hospitalier Privé (France).
BP 900 and BQ 900 slit lamps—still the ”gold standard”
Our “gold standard” slit lamps, including the BP 900 and BQ 900, are always attractive to delegates, and this ESCRS was no exception. It was wonderful to receive positive feedback from those established in their ophthalmology careers and from younger delegates experiencing the superb optics for the first time.
Of course, no Haag-Streit slit lamp demonstration would be complete without the Imaging Module 910. Delegates enjoyed testing out the great illumination and sharp, expressive images which are produced at the click of a button.
Octopus 900—offering both static & kinetic perimetry
In addition to the educational and training strands, ESCRS was the ideal opportunity to showcase the more established Haag-Streit portfolio of devices and solutions. Our product managers proudly showcased the static and kinetic perimetry capabilities of the Octopus 900, talking through its full-field capabilities and showcasing its incredible suite of easy to read, progression analysis capabilities.
Lenstar—the complete cataract planning platform in one easy-to-use device
The ability to precisely measure the entire eye – from cornea to retina – is key to achieving optimal IOL prediction accuracy in surgery.
With its integrated suite of outstanding IOL formula, including Hill-RBF, the Lenstar 900 provides the user with the latest technology in IOL prediction for any patient. With the recent release of EyeSuite i9.13, its outstanding IOL calculations have been enhanced further with the addition of two Olsen formulae: “Olsen (measured)” and “Olsen (model-based)”, allowing the operator to compare both methods. Also, Barrett True-K support for measured posterior data has been added, leading to better patient outcomes.
DOMS & John Weiss—ergonomic accessible design and “gold standard” surgical instruments
To complete the showcase, ESCRS delegates were able to test out the DOMS HS-2010 complete ergonomic examination unit, putting its height-adjust workstations and patient chairs through their paces.
At the other end of the (size) scale, we were proud to demonstrate a hand-picked selection of the incredible range of 2,500 John Weiss reusable surgical instruments, including forceps, needle holders, scissors, choppers & manipulators, specula, and extraocular.
Follow Haag-Streit to keep one step ahead…
That’s all for now! We look forward to the next ESCRS… But in the meantime, make sure to follow us on our socials to keep one step ahead of Haag-Streit events, training information and product launches.