

IM 910: improved workflow & ergonomics

Dr Michael E. Snyder, MD, Cincinnati Eye Institute, Ohio, USA on how the smart image capture of the Imaging Module 910 (IM 910) enables clinics to work more efficiently.

IM 910 3D: better patient understanding & compliance

How can the “3D-ready” functionality of the Haag-Streit Imaging Module 910 3D (IM 910 3D) improve patient care? Sunil Mamtora, FRCOphth, of Bristol Eye Hospital, UK, explains.

IM 910 3D: a modern, collaborative learning experience

Nothing beats seeing the exact same thing, at the exact same time – now possible in 3D. Dr Michael E. Snyder, MD, Cincinnati Eye Institute, Ohio, USA, shares the benefits of the Imaging Module 910 3D (IM 910 3D) for teaching individuals and larger groups.

IM 910 3D: transforming the teaching experience

Sunil Mamtora, FRCOphth, of Bristol Eye Hospital, UK, draws on his personal experience as a trainee and teacher of slit lamp examination skills to explain why the introduction of the Imaging Module 910 3D (IM 910 3D) is set to transform medical education.

IM 910 3D: entering the virtual healthcare world

How can the “3D-ready” functionality of the Imaging Module 910 3D (IM 910 3D) evolve traditional consulting methods? Dr Michael E. Snyder, MD, Cincinnati Eye Institute, Ohio, explains how this new technology is supporting exciting new telehealth possibilities for patients in the USA.

Slit lamp imaging

Get the most out of your camera

Bildgebungsmodul 910

Vom Marktführer für Spaltlampen-Bildgebungs-

Slit Lamp Imaging

Getting the Best Results with Your Slit Lamp Camera

Studien und Publikationen

Tipps und Tricks
